Episode 9| Andrew Prashad: Leading by Example
We recently had a very inspiring chat with a man of multitudinous talents - Mr. Andrew Prashad! In this episode, Andrew talks about how he’s been keeping his beautiful perspective amidst the trials of Covid time (especially while he and his wife juggle 3 kids!). We also ask after his gorgeous son, 5-year-old Ezra (who has struggled with Spina Bifida since birth), and how Andrew has kept so positive with the ups and downs of Ezra’s ongoing health challenges. We also get the chance to ask Andrew about the frank and compassionate video he recently released about white privilege, and how he maintains his equilibrium while coming up against it. Andrew generously shares with us how leading by example, with love and kindness, is the best strategy for creating a more loving world. Check out his many talents at andrewprashad.com!
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