An Embarrassment of Riches!

I’ve found myself using the expression, an embarrassment of riches, more and more these days.  As a phrase, I appreciate it might seem oddly out-of-place, considering the current global economic challenges of this Time of Covid - which, understandably, is weighing heavily on the minds of many people right about now.  To unpack this delightfully descriptive saying, I thought I’d roll it around in that lopsided bingo cage perched on my shoulders and see what tumbles out!  Cards on the table and dabbers poised!

The reason that particular phrase has been getting so much sweet airplay from my bouche lately is because I’ve been jabbering on about the ever-lovin’ now - that is, this very moment.  Turns out this very moment is a happenin’ place - point of fact, simply everything happens there!  And all the very best people turn up there, too (including you lovely bunch of bananas, naturally)!!  If you’re shopping around for joy, compassion, patience, understanding, gratitude, clarity, mirth, or peace of mind (to name just a few hotly-pursued items), this is the place!  Spotlight special on abundance in Aisle 6!

The truth is, this moment right now is all there is.  It’s home.  That’s why it feels so dang comfy when we wend our way back there from our endless journeys through all of our (self-assessed) lousy life choices in the past and then leaping into a terrifying future where everything collapses around us, like a scene from the movie Earthquake (preferably in Sensurround [NB: for those of your born after 1970, please see Glossary A section 6, or just Wikipedia the modern wonder that was Sensurround - js]).  Replaying all these movies in our heads (I don’t mean Earthquake, but rather the endless series of epics we screen about our dramatic lives on a fairly consistent loop…***however, Earthquake would be an exciting one to slip into your brain’s lineup - a change is as good as a rest, as my mother would say***) is a favourite pastime for many of us with a vocation for self-debilitation.  Movies, as a general rule, can be a wonderful distraction (LIFEHACK: they’re great during a global pandemic!  Try them!  The kids will love ‘em!) - but the ones that play endlessly in our heads have very little entertainment value. Or any other value, really. Torture TV, I call it.  We are hooked, though - the smallest perceived offense can replay in our heads longer than the original 1975 release of Jaws! (PS...I spent almost that entire movie watching from the concession stand with only 4 family-size boxes of Mike and Ikes to protect me)  Relaxing back into where we are, away from the picture-show in our coconut, can provide immediate respite and relief from the toxic stories we’ve buried ourselves under (*IMPORTANT* in case of an avalanche of toxic stories, always stand in the nearest door frame)!  It’s in this moment where the option for clarity and sweet peace of mind becomes available for the takin’...where you can just breathe and see for yourself what’s actually happening (BONUS CLUE: what’s happening now is NOT a past or future event).

When you take that well-deserved moment for yourself to breathe and investigate, you’ll notice that you’re always surrounded by everything you need in this moment.  Speaking for myself, right now, I’ve got a sunny window with a lush summer view; a wondrous electronical fan caressing me with faux-tropical breezes, a soft spot in which to park my dainty posterior; a variety of season-appropriate garments (accented perfectly by my stylish prescription stockings that dress up any occasion); and the miracle of 21st Century technology that allows me the opportunity to reach out and envelop you in this virtual bear hug of words!  And I’m just scratching the surface - I haven’t even started on my vintage collection of moustache-combs!  There’s so much more that’s right here with me right now...and it’s everything I need.  And how do I know I need it?  It’s what I’ve got.  Then, life moves and something else appears in front of me that I must need, ‘cause there it is.   There have been times - like, a LOT of times - where I felt I could have had more or better stuff-of-life...that I’d been short-changed  somehow (“what a rip!”, we used to say in the last we still say that?  Can we?  Just for my love of nostalgia?  No?  SELFISH).  But when I Dyson the dust off my life story and gawk at it through clear peepers, I notice that, from moment to moment, it’s always been an embarrassment of riches.  Abundant, even!  GRATITUDE ALERT.  

And when you’re feeling that sweet gratitude, *SURPRISE!* you’re in the moment.  Gratitude exhilarates (much like love, peace, joy and the rest of its chic posse) because you’re plugging in to the energy that you are!  That everything is.  And it feels pretty nifty, don’t it?!  And, in related news, and speaking equationally about plugging into the energy of everything, Gratitude = Clarity.  And inside that moment of clarity is the understanding that you always have everything you need, from sweet moment to sweet moment.  What a relief!  Welcome to the ever-lovin’, rootin’ tootin’ present, cowfolks!  So, LIFEHACK #2: gratitude!  Am I right?? 

But for love of kumquats, don’t take my word for it - get still, be open, look around, and see for yourself!  What are your riches?  You may be surprised at how simple they are.  I thought my riches might be the Cartier broach I wear on my best Ascot when I’m shopping at Price Chopper, or my collection of novelty pin cushions...but, turns out my riches are the sounds of birds chirpin’, a summer view,  a faux-tropical breeze from an electronical fan, a soft spot in which to park my dainty posterior, and beautiful friends to reach out to.  And so, so much more - packed into the here and now!  Riches, one and all!  An embarrassment of riches, you might say.  And what do you value?  Did you say “this moment”?  BINGO!!

Right now, I unreservedly value this beautiful moment I’ve been given to tell you how G.D. resplendent and outrageously lovable you are!  You are all my riches!  And I’m so grateful!!  💓💓💓